Tuesday, 26 March 2013

MYNAH: Content is King!

MYNAH: Content is King!: The only profound catchphrase that I could see and read on my timeline without looking out, prior to the 23 rd of March in the year of ...

Thursday, 14 March 2013

It is well

When peace like a river attendeth our way, When sorrows like sea billows roll, Whatever our lot, God has taught us to say, IT IS WELL and indeed IT IS WELL with our soul. For the sky, not the grave is our GOAL. Blessed of hope, blessed rest of our soul...... IN CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR, IT IS ALWAYS WELL WITH OUR SOUL.....good morning

Saturday, 2 March 2013


BUTTERFLAE'S EFFECTS: CALL GIRL: She uses her pretty face to set meals on her table Her bills get paid by the swiftness of her hips because her brains aren’t able. At leas...

Efo Dela's ars poetica: Ghana Social Media Awards (Vote for Me)

Efo Dela's ars poetica: Ghana Social Media Awards (Vote for Me): Blogging Ghana launched Ghana's first Social Media Awards last year to honor the best Ghanaian bloggers for the year 2012. Different ...