Great things start to happen when young vibrant youth of students, begin to desperately exhume their inner fire of immense talent and creativity...
This natural concurrence didn't elude us students. Our differences couldn't come between our ambitions, the stressful nature of various courses we read couldn't be an obstacle to the rate at which we thirst for success. Our various religious backgrounds was even a step to realising our dreams...
That dream still lingers on, and we're even more enthused about it...
Big ideaz
the undying act for the art that emerges the beauty of nature..twg
Monday, 4 August 2014
Colossal optimism
Monday, 2 June 2014
I've being combing the dictionary looking for words so enormous to describe the LORD
The office of professors has turned my second abode, am cascading for words to liken the greatness of yawehGod
Am still in need of a miracle, I doubt though, that those words would just sprung up like the spontaneous generation..
I once chanced upon a group of people arguing over the magnitude of the Lords greatness, these things that amuses, interest and create a wide range of automated battles of minds. A code of question no school of thought has being able to decipher nor able to break...
His unadulterated supremacy surpasses all inbound and outbound authority that exists..
Monday, 19 May 2014
When I thought the blogging experience was over, I should have known it was erroneous.
If indeed a prophet had blatantly prophesied that my birthday was going to revive and revamp my attitude towards blogging, I surely wouldn't have believed any part of it.
I definitely wouldn't have bought into that notion because I felt the zeal wasn't there anymore, the thought that, the euphoria that captivated my first post as a blogger no longer exist made it more incredible. The passion has just being vanquished.
But until yesterday, when I decided to recapitulate my twenty one year's on earth by producing simple sentences to depict how merciful the Lord has being, I wouldn't have come to experience once again, the blissfulness surrounding blogging .
I felt the spirit is back, the metaphorical enthusiasm has been restored, an opportunity to say goodbye to mediocrity,an avenue to exploit talent of enormous value.
I pray against any lackadaisical spirit that may plunge my balcony to devour my expertise.
Indeed, the aftermath of my birthday brought nothing but joy and smiles...
Saturday, 17 May 2014
What are the things that sometimes leaves you speechless?
The poetry of a poet, the care of a mother, an abominable act, or perhaps that astounding feat of the achiever?
For me to have wondered or Imagined, I would have called it a fallacy, dreaming or thinking of it would surely have passed for a fantasy.
His love, grace, favour, his enormous blessings and unadulterated supremacy are those that's left me speechless. It has left me in awe and I've being devoid of understanding.
Through thick and thin, oppressions and rejections, anxieties and failures, setbacks and flaws, breakups and shocks;
In fact through these all and more, I've come out a better person than before.
Twenty one years down the lane, and I still can't fathom to the ways of God. Twenty one years, and my lips are still parted, mind and soul hypnotized amidst incomprehensible thoughts.
See, twenty one years and I'm still cascading for formulas to calculate this mystery of a life, combing for sentences to elucidate my inexplicable journey, and acts to illustrate his glory.
Frankly, I must admit that, these thoughts and more leaves me very speechless.
On this very day, I bow to God's glory, I vow to his name, I salute him in high esteem and I pay homage to his throne.
On this very day, I'm spellbound, cos I've turned twenty one without having to pay a dime for my blessings...
Thursday, 6 February 2014
You, I miss
I stay awake at the break of dawn..
Reminiscing about early stages of our love...
Smiles fill my cheeck for a while...
A silent tear, a silent wish that u were nigh.....
But tears are colourless, my pillow wud av testified...
Overwhelmed by your love, I turned a poet...
Ma tears will stop for now but will never run dry if u read this piece...
Till de gap between us is bridged forever....
I miss u my baby...